Still doing watercolour sketches for a fiver! drop me a line anytime! (or if you use the donate button, I shall spy your address and send you a surprise!)
A few examples here of what you can get

This one was done for Will Kirkby, He didn't ask for anything in particular, so a fuzzy Juno it is. Its what my hands make when it doesnt know what to do O_O

This one was done for Nattherat, who creates the wonderful
"Those of no Class" Beautiful comic, do go read it! This is her Character "Fay"

This one is a little bit extra special. Done for Paul Duffield of Freakangels infamy. He gave a bit extra than a fiver, so I gave a bit extra back!

This one was for
Sally Jane Thompson My good buddy and fabulous artist!

And this one was for Jade Sarson. Fanart of her character "Gerry" from her AWESOME webcomic
"Cafe Suada" go read it, it's awesome!
Will update more as people recieve them!